This six footstep tutorial shows how to draw a crown. It includes detailed illustrated examples and quick explanations to go with them.

Crown drawing step by step
Crown cartoon pace by pace

You tin can see a preview of the drawing steps for the crown higher up. Fifty-fifty a fairly simple crown similar the one in this instance nonetheless has quite a chip of detail to information technology which can make the tutorial more difficult if you are beginner. However, if you follow the steps carefully you lot should exist able to exercise it.

Definitely start the drawing in pencil and brand light easy to erase lines in case you make a mistake or want to make an adjustment. Yous tin can darken them later on with a black pen or marker.

Step i – Draw the Bottom of the Crown

Crown bottom drawing
Crown bottom drawing

Begin by cartoon the bottom of the crown which volition exist shaped like a ring. Draw it every bit shown in the case and when adding information technology's bottom forward facing edge exist certain to go out a tiny bit of space on it's sides. This will prove that the ring has some thickness to it and is non just paper sparse.

Stride 2 – Draw the Front end

Crown spikes drawing
Crown spikes drawing

Next describe the spikes. At this stage leave them with open tips. Make the centre one the tallest and draw it pointing directly upwards. Draw the spikes directly to it'due south sides curving slightly away form information technology. Draw the next set of spikes curving sideways even more and as well make them slightly thinner than the previous set.

Stride 3 – Draw the Spheres on the Tips

Crown tips drawing
Crown tips drawing

Add together little spheres/circles to the summit of each spike. You can make the 1 in the middle the largest and then draw them just a tiny bit smaller on the next set of spikes and fifty-fifty smaller on the 1 after that.

Footstep 4 – Draw the Back

Crown back drawing
Crown back drawing

Coming out form between the initial set of spikes draw the ones at the back of the crown. They will mostly be subconscious behind it'due south front department but y'all should depict their visible parts thinner and smaller than than the spikes in the front. Draw the spheres/circles at their tips smaller besides with the ones on the two spikes in the back/middle beingness the smallest.

Step five – Depict Gems & Finish the Line Cartoon

Crown line drawing
Crown line drawing

Finally add some jewels to the crown. In this case there will only exist three that are visible. 1 in the eye and two on the sides. In this case they will exist oval in shape.

When cartoon the side ones you tin can erase the trivial chip'southward of the crown outline where the gems are supposed to go.

Once washed cartoon the jewels ostend that what yous accept up to this point looks the way y'all want it to and make any corrections if you lot feel they are needed. Afterward trace over your lines with a blackness pen or marker. Alternatively you can also just darken them with the pencil.

Pace half dozen – Color the Crown

Crown drawing
Crown drawing

To color the crown make information technology yellow/chocolate-brown and so that it looks like gold. Make the jewels red (or whatsoever colour you like). Colored pencils may exist the easiest selection for this particular drawing but paints may be good likewise.

Inside each sphere at the tip equally well as each jewel leave a little white surface area for the highlight (light reflecting from their shiny surfaces).

You can make the shape of each highlight the same as the tips/jewels merely smaller (round, oval, etc…). Lightly outline these in pencil to make it easier to colour around them. You tin likewise shade the lesser part o the crown equally well as the spikes in the back to be a little darker than the rest of information technology every bit these areas will tend to have shadows over them. To add together the shading lightly darken these parts with a regular pencil on top of the initial xanthous/chocolate-brown color.


The crown in this tutorial is non overly complex but at the same time not too simplistic either. While it's possible to make a more basic drawing of one it would not look as nice equally the current example. Sometimes information technology'due south better to put in some extra effort but become a significantly nicer result.

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