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How to Draw Yellow Jacket From Ant Man TUTORIAL

"Gratitude can be forgiveness. I spent years carrying effectually my anger for Hank Pym. I devoted my genius to him. I could've worked anywhere. I chose my mentor poorly. You didn't fifty-fifty have a choice. He never believed in you. It's a shame what we had to do, just he forced usa to exercise it."
―Darren Cross to Hope van Dyne[src]

Doctor Darren Cross was the protégé of Hank Pym who usurped his mentor as CEO of Pym Technologies and rebranded information technology as Cross Technologies. His obsession with Pym'south one-time creation of the Pym Particles caused him to endeavor to replicate his own version, which he then intended to sell to HYDRA and the Ten Rings. Using his own version of Pym's Ant-Man Suit, which was known as the Yellowjacket Conform, he tried to fulfill the transaction, but he was challenged past Pym and Hope van Dyne, who destroyed his enquiry with the assistance of Scott Lang. Driven mad by the failure, Cross tried to murder Lang and his family unit and eventually disappeared after their battle.


  • one Biography
    • one.ane Early on Life
      • 1.one.1 Working for Pym Technologies
      • 1.i.2 Taking Over
      • one.one.3 WIRED Mag Interview
    • 1.two Reunion with Hank Pym
      • 1.2.1 Presenting the Yellowjacket
      • ane.2.two Murdering Frank
      • 1.two.three Dinner with Hope van Dyne
      • 1.two.iv Perfecting the Serum
      • ane.2.5 Against Pym
    • 1.3 Selling the Yellowjacket
      • 1.3.1 Betraying Hank Pym
      • 1.3.2 Fighting Ant-Man
      • ane.3.3 Duel at Maggie Lang's Business firm
  • two Personality
  • 3 Powers and Abilities
    • 3.i Yellowjacket Arrange Capabilities
    • 3.2 Abilities
  • four Equipment
    • four.1 Weapons
    • 4.2 Other Equipment
  • v Facilities
  • 6 Relationships
    • half dozen.1 Family
    • half dozen.ii Allies
    • half dozen.three Enemies
  • vii Trivia
  • eight Backside the Scenes
  • nine References
  • x External Links


Early Life

Darren Cantankerous was born in the 1970s at New York Urban center to an unnamed father who worked every bit a scientist and an unnamed mother who was a saleswoman. In the 1990s, he went on to high school, where Cross gained high-level popularity as he became a scientific genius.[1] Cantankerous went on to attend MIT and graduated as valedictorian at the historic period of xx.[3]

Working for Pym Technologies

"He was my assistant. I thought I saw something in him. The son I never had, mayhap. He was bright, simply as we became close, he began to doubtable that I wasn't telling him everything. He heard rumors almost what was called the Pym Particle, and he became obsessed with recreating my formula. But I wouldn't help him. So he conspired against me and he voted me out of my own company."
―Hank Pym[src]

Cross was hired directly from MIT by Hank Pym, and for a fourth dimension worked equally his banana at Pym Technologies.[3] However, Cantankerous became obsessed with learning the secrets of Pym's Ant-Human Suit, and his size-reducing Pym Particle engineering science, despite Pym'south constant attempts to convince Cross that information technology was nothing more than an urban legend and should not be taken seriously.[1]

Taking Over

Cross takes over Pym Technologies

Over the years, Cross forced out Hank Pym from his own company and took over as CEO, renaming it Cantankerous Technologies; the company under Cantankerous' leadership became a rival of Stark Industries thanks to his guidance. Cantankerous connected to obsess over Pym'due south previous experiments that had remained hidden from the world, focusing much of his free energy into understanding the scientific discipline backside the fabled Ant-Human being Suit. Eventually, Cross' obsession paid off and he was able to make his own weaponized version of the Ant-Man Suit, which was called the Yellowjacket Arrange.[4] Amidst many of the potential buyers of the suit, Cross had a detail interest in Southward.H.I.E.50.D., HYDRA and the Ten Rings.[5]

WIRED Magazine Interview

Cross gives an interview with WIRED

"And then what drew you to Pym Tech?"
"Inquiry way ahead of its time, only what truly blew me away was what I plant in Pym Tech's cold storage. Achieves of abandoned projects and suspended R&D. Sometimes the past just needs a fresh ready of eyes."
―James Rondell and Darren Cantankerous[src]

Cross gave an interview with WIRED Insider discussing his piece of work at Pym Technologies. Cross assured his interviewer, James Rondell, that Pym Tech was working hard with their sometime designs while developing a new design that would be astonishing. When Cross was asked nigh Hank Pym, his past interest in the company, and whether or not he was pushed out of his company, Cross claimed he and Pym were shut friends before cutting the interview brusque.[three]

Reunion with Hank Pym

Presenting the Yellowjacket

Cross is reunited with Hank Pym

"Hank, volition you tell our guests what you told me every single time I asked you was the Ant-Man real?"
"Just a tall tale."
"Correct, considering how could annihilation then miraculous maybe be existent?"
―Darren Cross and Hank Pym[src]

Cantankerous organized a presentation with several potential investors for his Yellowjacket Conform, and also invited Hank Pym to witness his success. To his surprise, Pym showed up and was greeted by his estranged daughter, Promise van Dyne, who was now working for Cantankerous. While giving his presentation, Cantankerous showed off many pieces of footage believed to be of Emmet-Man in the 1980s and used Pym as an example of his history with the project, which Pym continued to deny.

Cross discusses the Yellowjacket Adapt

Eventually, Cantankerous showed his guests his Yellowjacket armor and explained its many benefits to the military machine with a slick presentation. He explained how he had been able to recreate the technology used by the Ant-Man and created a new form of Pym Particles which could shrink who or whatsoever came into contact with it while increasing their strength. However, a fellow member of Pym Technologies, Frank, seemed less than impressed, noting it was only a adapt which could also pose a threat if information technology were to fall into the hands of their enemies. Annoyed at having been questioned, Cross asked to see Frank in private later to talk over the Yellowjacket farther.

Cantankerous learns the truth from Hank Pym

With the guests discussing the pitch, Cross spoke to Pym in individual. When Pym finally confessed that he had developed the Pym Particles and the Ant-Man Arrange in the 1980s, Pym warned Cross non to pursue this project whatsoever further as he believed that the technology was far too unsafe when put into the wrong hands. Cross refused to listen to reason and vowed to complete his work, telling Pym that they could take built the Yellowjacket as partners, merely Pym had ruined whatsoever hazard of repairing their partnership.

Cantankerous makes a deal with Mitchell Carson

Every bit Cross walked abroad from Pym, he was approached by Mitchell Carson, an old enemy of Pym's who was now working for HYDRA. Carson offered a deal to Cantankerous in which HYDRA would purchase the Yellowjacket Adapt for 20 per centum of his request toll in substitution for a fast payment in cash. Blinded by his greed and pride, Cross accustomed the offer and began to put things in place to sell his weapons to the ultimate terrorist organization. However, before he could sell the technology, Cross knew he had to perfect it.[1]

Murdering Frank

Cross politely greets Frank in the bathroom

"What laws? Of man? The laws of nature transcend the laws of man, and I've transcended the laws of nature."
"Darren, I don't retrieve you lot empathise…"
"Hm. We even so haven't worked out all the bugs. Goodbye, Frank."
―Frank and Darren Cantankerous[src]

Quietly furious, Cross and then sought out Frank, the invitee who had questioned him in the Pym Technologies meeting, finding him in the bathroom, where Cross greeted Frank and presented himself as friendly and understanding despite Frank's concerns over the blueprint of the Yellowjacket Suit. As Cross handed over a newspaper towel for Frank to launder his easily, they discussed the laws of human being which Cross was breaking with his work with Pym Particles.

Cross kills Frank with a Shrink Gun

Cross, nonetheless, was not fazed over the questioning and argued that his work had transcended the laws of nature itself, which was his ain twisted excuse to go on his piece of work. When Frank handed Cantankerous the used paper towel and connected to question Cross' work, claiming he did not empathize the consequences of what he was doing, Cross shot him with a Shrink Gun that contained the unstable Pym Particles which Cross had been experimenting with, causing his torso to compress and collapse into itself, leaving nothing more a tiny gooey blob lying on the floor in front of the calm Cantankerous.

Cantankerous washes his hands subsequently the murder

Calmly noting that his scientists nevertheless had not fixed all the bugs in the technology, which is why the gun killed Frank rather than shrinking him, Cross wiped abroad the mess and flushed it down the toilet without a 2nd thought. Cross then returned to the sink and washed his easily, removing all evidence of Frank's murder and his connexion to it, knowing that nobody would always notice his remains and therefore Cantankerous could now keep his experiments without anybody questioning his own unique methods.[1]

Dinner with Promise van Dyne

Cross has dinner with Hope van Dyne

"I've been thinking a lot most gratitude lately, and today during my morning meditation, an interesting thought occurred to me and I think it might apply to y'all too."
"How'south that?"
"Gratitude can be forgiveness."
―Darren Cross and Hope van Dyne[src]

Viewing the Yellowjacket Suit presentation to have been a success due to his deal with Mitchell Carson, Cantankerous invited Hope van Dyne out to dinner with him to celebrate. There, Cross discussed his fractured relationship with Hank Pym and they toasted to Cantankerous' impressive success in finally completing his experiments with van Dyne telling him that he deserved everything that was coming to him.[i]

Perfecting the Serum

Cantankerous experiments with the Pym Particles

"Commence experiment 34C, organic atomic reduction."
"Darren, maybe nosotros should remember…"
"Shrinking organic tissue is the centerpiece of this technology. I can't go to the buyers with half a quantum."
―Darren Cantankerous and Hope van Dyne[src]

With Hope van Dyne past his side, Cross continued his experiments to try to perfect his version of the Pym Particles in social club to ensure that his design of the Yellowjacket Suit was finally gear up to exist sold to his new buyer, Mitchell Carson, by bringing in lambs to human activity as his test subjects, despite promising van Dyne that they would exist using rats. The experiments continued to exist a failure, with each shot of Pym Particles reducing the lambs into nothing merely a tiny bloody mess on the floor.

Cross finally perfects his technology

Cross refused to give upwardly, however, and continued bringing in examination subjects for hours on end and forcing his staff to work long hours, with 1 after the other beingness instantly killed when coming into contact with the unstable Pym Particles. Eventually, i of the tests finally proved successful when the lamb was reduced in size and stayed alive in a small drinking glass container. Delighted, Cantankerous picked up the container and gave it a gentle moving-picture show, knocking the lamb off-balance earlier he began smile maniacally at his success.[one]

Confronting Pym

Cantankerous confronts Hank Pym in his home

"Pym Tech, the company you created, is nearly to become 1 of the most profitable operations in the earth. We're anticipating fifteen billion in sales tomorrow alone. Yous're welcome. I know this is odd, but I'd like you to be there. This is my moment, I want you to encounter it."
"Sure, Darren. Yeah, certain. I'll be there."
―Darren Cross and Hank Pym[src]

Cantankerous traveled to the Pym Residence with the intent of killing Pym after he told his one-time mentor of his success. When he arrived, he found the door unlocked and overheard Pym speaking to Hope van Dyne and Scott Lang before discovering plans throughout the house for what appeared to be an elaborate heist into Pym Technologies to steal the Yellowjacket Accommodate. Earlier Cross could study these plans farther, he was interrupted past Hank Pym. Not wishing to enhance suspicion, Cross greeted his friend warmly and invited him to the presentation of the Yellowjacket every bit Cross' greatest accomplishment, to which Pym reluctantly accustomed.

Cross calls and updates Promise van Dyne

As Cross collection home, he phoned van Dyne in an effort to ward off suspicions of his discovery and told her that he had just seen Pym, asking her where she was, to which she lied and claimed to be at her dwelling house. In an effort to sabotage Pym's heist plans, he then ordered her to increase security at Pym Technologies ahead of the Yellowjacket Conform presentation; she reluctantly agreed, which caused a major problem for the heist. Cantankerous told van Dyne that he was lucky to take her, despite knowing of her expose.[1]

Selling the Yellowjacket

Betraying Hank Pym

Cantankerous greets Hope van Dyne

"Mr. Carson introduced me to these fine gentlemen here, they're representatives of HYDRA. They're not what they were, they're doing some interesting work."
―Darren Cross to Hank Pym[src]

As the day arrived to present the Yellowjacket Suit to his investors, Cross constitute Promise van Dyne walking through the Pym Technologies corridors where she had been sabotaging the inner workings of the building ready for the heist. Non wishing to let Van Dyne believe he was aware of her plans, Cantankerous smiled and asked her opinion on his accommodate before they set off to greet their guests arriving for the presentation.

Cantankerous meets his potential HYDRA buyers

When Hank Pym arrived at the facility every bit requested, Cross happily invited him into the presentation room for a private discussion about their piece of work as Pym congratulated him on his success. As Cross went through the security checks, Pym noted that he may take overdone things, simply Cantankerous said with a smile that he could never be also careful. Once Cantankerous, Pym, and van Dyne were solitary in the presentation room, Cross' bodyguards held them at gunpoint and Cross revealed that he had known all along of Pym'south plans.

Cantankerous lures Ant-Man into his trap

He so waited for Pismire-Man to dive into the glass case to steal the Yellowjacket Adjust and trapped him inside, removing the suit beforehand while mocking Ant-Man for his failure. They were then joined by Mitchell Carson, whom Cross introduced as the representative from HYDRA. Pym attempted to convince Cantankerous non to sell the adapt to them, but Cross refused to heed and threatened to kill Pym. All the same, Ant-Man was able to break complimentary; he and Van Dyne began fighting Cantankerous' guards, just Cantankerous managed to shoot Pym.

Cantankerous threatens to kill Hank Pym

As Ant-Human being and van Dyne ran to the haemorrhage Pym'southward help, Cross stepped behind Emmet-Man and placed his gun to his caput, threatening to kill him if he did not remove the Ant-Human being Conform immediately, to the bespeak of even promising that he was willing to pull it off his corpse. Even so, before Cross could pull the trigger, he noticed that a group of ants had begun crawling upwards his arm and biting into his pare, causing him incredible pain. Unable to fire the gun, Cantankerous ran out of the room while leaving Pym, Ant-Man and van Dyne backside.

Cross orders his men to kill Emmet-Human being

While Carson escaped with the Pym Particles and the money, Cross ran to his guards while ripping ants off his skin. As he held one final ant between his fingers and slowly crushed it to death, the furious Cross demanded that a helicopter be brought to the roof immediately so he could escape. He then left two guards behind and ordered them to kill anyone who stepped out of the room without mercy before leaving to go on lath the helicopter and then he would not exist arrested by the law that had gathered outside.[1]

Fighting Pismire-Man

Cross manages to shoot and impale Ant-thony

"Did you lot think you could terminate the futurity with a heist?!"
"It was never just a heist!"
―Darren Cross and Ant-Man[src]

Cantankerous took the Yellowjacket Suit in his suitcase and fabricated his way to his helicopter on the roof, screaming at the airplane pilot to leave equally soon every bit possible, knowing that his bargain with HYDRA and Mitchell Carson was conspicuously finished. Equally he began to escape, Cross witnessed a swarm of flying ants coming towards him, led by Pismire-Man. Cantankerous then began firing his gun wildly in an attempt to impale Ant-Homo only only succeeded in killing 1 of the ants carrying Emmet-Man while he connected to bellow at the pilot to take off.

Cross watches all his piece of work beingness destroyed

This only served to anger Ant-Man, who had managed to go on board the helicopter and knock out Cantankerous' guards. Even so, Cross managed to boot Ant-Homo outside of the helicopter, but he just held on by grabbing the seatbelt. Cross continued to taunt Ant-Man for attempting to stop all his plans with a heist, to which Pismire-Human being clarified that he and Hank Pym had never planned but a heist, which confused Cross and caused him to look on the Pym Technologies Headquarters. Cross watched in horror as Cross Technologies, along with his Yellowjacket research, was destroyed past the explosives Ant-Human being had put in.

Cross dons his own Yellowjacket Suit

With no other choices remaining and all his plans ruined, Cross was forced to put on the Yellowjacket Suit himself equally he and so prepared to fight Ant-Man on his own terms. As Ant-Man pulled himself back within the helicopter, Yellowjacket charged the laser on his suit and prepared to execute Ant-Man, merely for Pismire-Human to shrink again and dodge all the blasts every bit the enraged Yellowjacket continued firing upon him without any regard for his surroundings and merely desiring to kill the Ant-Man. When Emmet-Man managed to hitting Yellowjacket in the face, it did nigh no damage but only managed to anger Yellowjacket even more.

Yellowjacket attempts to impale Ant-Human

Finding himself at some disadvantage fighting against the almost invisible Pismire-Homo, Yellowjacket reacted past shrinking himself downwardly to size and fighting Ant-Man across the helicopter, while too increasing dorsum to size over again at various points. Yellowjacket's suit proved superior to Emmet-Man's due to the mounted cannons on the back; however, due to Ant-Man'south extensive grooming with the Pismire-Man Arrange, he managed to proceed Yellowjacket dorsum throughout their fierce battle. Eventually, Yellowjacket'due south cannons caused so much damage to the helicopter that information technology was forced to crash land over the San Francisco streets beneath.

Yellowjacket falls out of the heaven with Emmet-Human

With both pilots being killed accidentally by Yellowjacket's weapons, the helicopter span wildly out of command and both Yellowjacket and Emmet-Man tumbled into Yellowjacket'due south suitcase and fought a battle within. As the furious Yellowjacket screamed and cursed at Emmet-Homo, his phone mistakenly heard his cries and played Disintegration by The Cure while they dodged the various keys and travel sweets that they each threw at one another equally they continued to effort to kill the other, all the while with Yellowjacket continuing to fire his cannons at Ant-Human, causing a lot of devastation inside the pocket-sized briefcase.

Yellowjacket threatens to kill an unabridged family

The suitcase that contained the pair eventually landed inside a highly confused family's swimming pool. Yellowjacket regained his size get-go and began moving towards the utterly horrified family unit. When the mother attempted to call the San Francisco Police Section, Yellowjacket used his cannon to destroy her telephone earlier threatening to slaughter them all in his violent rage. Ant-Human, however, launched himself out of the puddle to defend them, transforming himself from small-scale to large to land the best touch against Yellowjacket equally he delivered a powerful punch that launched Yellowjacket through a wall.

Yellowjacket continues fighting Emmet-Man

Yellowjacket and Ant-Homo's fight then continued inside the house, as they battled on a glass table until Yellowjacket managed to gain the upper manus against his enemy and kicked Ant-Human back exterior of the house, causing him to crash country on top of the barbecue and render to his original big size over again. At the end of their brief confrontation, Pismire-Man managed to employ a ping-pong paddle he discovered to smash Yellowjacket equally he attempted to assault him, causing Yellowjacket to be thrown into a issues-zapper, seemingly overcharging the adapt and killing him, catastrophe the fight for the time existence.

Yellowjacket is electrocuted by a bug zapper

However, while Pismire-Man was mistakenly being arrested by Jim Paxton and Gale who were unaware of the situation, Yellowjacket was electrocuted from inside the bug-zapper screaming insanely which caused him incredible agony. With his adapt burnt and his torso wounded, the now furious and highly unstable Yellowjacket began seeking some kind of sadistic revenge against those who destroyed his plans, starting past taking everything abroad from Ant-Man after which he would then seek out Pym and Hope van Dyne.[ane]

Duel at Maggie Lang'south House

Yellowjacket is run over by a toy train

"You insult me, Scott. Your very beingness is insulting to me. You know, it'd exist much easier to hit y'all if you were bigger."
"Yeah, I hold."
―Yellowjacket and Ant-Homo[src]

Yellowjacket traveled to the abode of Maggie Lang and took their daughter Cassie Lang hostage, waiting for her male parent to come to rescue her. It did non have long for Ant-Man to get in and confront Yellowjacket as the pair engaged in a fell miniature fight on Cassie's toy train-tracks, throwing sections of the train at each other. Emmet-Man chosen for reinforcements from his ground forces of Ants who attacked Yellowjacket, earlier Ant-Human being was able to throw him into the railroad train tracks, causing him to exist run over past Cassie's petty Thomas the Tank Engine toy.

Yellowjacket threatens to impale Cassie Lang

Ant-Man attempted to shrink and sabotage Yellowjacket'southward suit. Yet, he discovered the mainframe on the Yellowjacket adjust was encased with a shell of titanium, which could not be penetrated unless the Ant-Man Suit'south regulator was deactivated; this put Ant-Homo in danger of shrinking indefinitely. Frustrated by his inability to impale Pismire-Man during their fight, Yellowjacket then attempted to attack Cassie while she was being protected past Jim Paxton. Although Paxton attempted to shoot Yellowjacket, he was quickly disarmed by one of the adjust's arms, leaving him and Cassie defenseless against him and his engineering science.

Yellowjacket is mangled and shrunk to the Quantum Realm

Every bit Yellowjacket prepared to murder the innocent family simply to torment his foe and gain a victory in this fight, Emmet-Man was left with no choice merely to plough off his suit's regulator and cede himself by shrinking into the Yellowjacket Accommodate and damaging its internal mainframe. Yellowjacket screamed in horrific hurting i last time before the adjust then collapsed into itself, peachy the glass in his helmet, mangling his limbs, and crushing him to subatomic size.[6] Ant-Man was then briefly teleported into the Breakthrough Realm, before finally beingness able to return to his normal size and reunite with his daughter.[1]


Darren Cross was an extremely brutal and ruthless man of affairs who was willing to apply Hank Pym's Pym Particles every bit a weapon. He was a homo who believes that his ends justified the means and would easily attempt to use anything in order to gain his final goal of miniaturizing organic thing, including using lambs to shrink even if the end consequence was a failure and once this was accomplished Cantankerous had no qualms about flicking the successfully shrunk lamb in its container as a mere plaything. He was a good person when he started working for Pym as his protege, only that changed when Cross became obsessed with the Pym Particles and the Ant-Man Suit. As Pym pointed out, Cross was basically what Pym used to be like in his youth and originally thought that he was the son he never had.

Cantankerous had no problems with murder, as he killed Frank for questioning the Yellowjacket Adjust'southward safety using a Shrink Gun, attempted to kill Pym out of jealousy and anger, and Cassie Lang and Jim Paxton when they got in the mode. He was as well willing to sell the Pym Particles and Yellowjacket Suit to shady businessmen like HYDRA. As a human being of extreme caution and intellect, he was able to deduce and plan ahead of his enemies, like when he set a trap for Scott Lang, Pym and Hope van Dyne afterward the latter attempted to steal his suit. As Yellowjacket, he became crazy after losing Pym Technologies and being electrified by a fly-light trap. He attempted to impale Ant-Man with no restraint, equally he unintentionally killed his bodyguards and the pilots during the helicopter fight with no regard for his own activeness, and was willing to use Cassie Lang as a hostage to get to her father.

Despite his many negative qualities, he actually valued his instructor's wisdom, wanting to work beside him and stating they could take worked on the shrinking technology together. He was very saddened when his teacher distanced himself from him, as seen when he asked Dr. Pym why he chose him and why he pushed him away, having a tone of sadness every bit he spoke. He also seemed to intendance for Dr. Pym'south daughter, Promise, taking her to dinner, showing gratitude towards her, and stating he was lucky to accept her on his squad. Additionally, he was visibly distraught past Promise's betrayal, like the dark he planned to kill Pym, he stopped himself because van Dyne was there and he knew he wasn't gear up to kill her.

Powers and Abilities

Yellowjacket Suit Capabilities

"Why don't you selection on someone your own size?"
―Emmet-Human to Yellowjacket[src]
  • Size Manipulation: Using the original Emmet-Man Suit and Pym Particles formula as a template, Yellowjacket can reduce approximately to the size of an emmet. He too all the same maintains his regular-sized force and immovability when shrinking due to increased density and compressed free energy and physical strength caused by size transformation.
    • Superhuman Strength: The suit grants Yellowjacket superhuman strength, even while shrunk as well. This is thought to be due to Pym Particles enhancing the density and compressing energy and physical forcefulness to the user, giving him the power of a bullet. In the instance of the Yellowjacket suit, its mechanisms may be able to enhance physical strength and resilience, even in human being size, he was most able to trounce Ant-Human between his hands while Ant-Man was in shrunken form. Though Pismire-Man in normal size was able to take on Yellowjacket while the latter was in the Yellowjacket suit. In add-on, the suit's mechanized stingers tin exist used as melee weapons, which Yellowjacket used to knock Paxton'due south gun out of his paw and to help him grab Ant-Human into social club to hurl him through the air.
    • Superhuman Durability: To be added
  • Flight: Yellowjacket has the ability of flight through highly advanced jets installed in the astern of the suit. The 2 top tentacle-like 'stingers' on the adapt'due south back accept exterior thrusters at the bottom of the tentacle that allows him to levitate and movement forward with its propulsion.
"I'k going to disintegrate you lot!"
―Yellowjacket to Ant-Man[src]
  • Energy Pulse Stingers:

    Yellowjacket firing free energy beams from his stingers

    The suit has four mechanical tentacle-similar 'stingers' on the back, the lesser pair of which tin can form shoulder weapons and direct energy weapons, which can burn down intense energy blasts. The energy beams are bluish and laser-like, burning through objects and, when Yellowjacket is in a modest size, he can easily kill targets, much similar bullets. When in normal size, the larger beams can easily fire through and destroy objects equally large and equally thick as a wall.


"Well, they don't typhoon the stupid kids first."
―Darren Cross[src]
  • Genius-level Intellect: Darren Cross graduated from MIT at only twenty years one-time equally valedictorian and was impressive plenty to be recruited past genius Hank Pym to work for him.
  • Master Scientist: Cross was recruited by Hank Pym to piece of work at his company, Pym Technologies every bit his personal assistant and one of the lead scientists. Over time, he became obsessed with replicating Pym'southward Ant-Man Suit, and managed to create his own version, the Yellowjacket Suit.
  • Expert Man of affairs: Cross was able to oust Pym from Pym Technologies and go its leader, progressing it to the bespeak where information technology became a rival for Stark Industries. Though the visitor had not presented a production in some fourth dimension, Cantankerous assured, in an interview,[3] that its shareholders were satisfied.



  • Glock 17: Cantankerous took one of these guns from one of his security guards, with the intention of personally killing Hank Pym. Due to Ant-Man and Hope van Dyne'south intervention, Cross was unable to impale him, but he still managed to shoot Pym in the shoulder. A group of Ants disabled Cross' gun, and he was forced to discard it.
  • Beretta 92FS Inox: Cross took one of these guns from one of his security guards while trying to escape from Pym Technologies Headquarters. He began to shoot at a swarm of Ants, hoping to kill Pismire-Man, and he managed to kill Pismire-Man's steed, Ant-thony.
  • Shrink Gun: As Cross tried to create a new grade of the Pym Particles, he failed to shrink a living body. However, he weaponized it to the shrink gun, able to kill living beings by condensing their tissue into a tiny puddle of poly peptide substance. Cantankerous used information technology on Frank when the latter protested about selling the Yellowjacket Adapt and the Pym Particles.

Other Equipment

  • Yellowjacket Suit: Cross initially intended to sell and manufacture more of the Yellowjacket conform to the military and to shady organizations such every bit HYDRA. Notwithstanding, his efforts were sabotaged by Hank Pym, Hope van Dyne, and Ant-Man, and Cantankerous decided to don the suit to kill Ant-Man out of revenge. Their fight eventually spanned from the Pym Technologies Headquarters to Maggie Lang'southward House when Yellowjacket decided to take Ant-Man's daughter Cassie Lang hostage. The fight concluded when Emmet-Man went subatomic and seemingly destroyed the Yellowjacket conform from the within.


  • Pym Technologies Headquarters: To be added
  • Pym Residence: To exist added



  • Male parent †
  • Mother †


  • Cantankerous Technologies
    • James Rondell - Interviewer
    • Mitchell Carson - Business Partner
    • HYDRA Buyer †


  • Hank Pym - Former Mentor and Attempted Victim
  • Hope van Dyne - Quondam Colleague
  • Frank † - Quondam Associate and Victim
  • Scott Lang/Ant-Human - Attempted Victim and Attempted Killer
  • Ants
    • Ant-thony † - Victim
  • Cassie Lang - Attempted Victim
  • San Francisco Law Department
    • Jim Paxton - Attempted Victim
    • Gale
  • Maggie Lang
  • Luis
  • Dave
  • Kurt Goreshter


  • In the comics, Darren Cross was a applied science industrialist. His eye was failing, so he murdered homeless people and took their hearts to proceed himself live. Scott Lang fought Cross when he kidnapped Erica Sondheim, the only person who could cure Cassie Lang. When Lang and Cross fought, Cantankerous died of a massive coronary.
    • Yellowjacket is one of the many heroic identities taken by Hank Pym in the comics. During his first fourth dimension donning the Yellowjacket suit, Hank Pym's mental country greatly suffered due to the Pym particles affecting his brain chemical science.
    • In response to his introduction in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he was resurrected and somewhen took up the drapery of Yellowjacket.
  • Darren Cross listens to The Cure.

Behind the Scenes

  • Kevin Cassidy was a stunt double for Corey Stoll in the function of Yellowjacket.


Transparent Endgame Logo.png

Transparent Endgame Logo.png

  1. one.00 ane.01 ane.02 one.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 ane.08 1.09 1.x Ant-Man
  2. Emmet-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania Volition Indeed Feature the Render of Corey Stoll as Darren Cross/Yellowjacket
  3. 3.0 3.one 3.2 3.three WHiH Newsfront: i.04: WIRED Insider Interviews Darren Cantankerous, CEO of Pym Technologies
  4. 'Avengers 2' and 'Ant-Human being' Rumored Costume & Story Details
  5. The Wakanda Files: A Technological Exploration of the Avengers and Beyond
  6. https://comicbook.com/marvel/news/ant-human-director-yellowjacket-could-be-live/

External Links


How to Draw Yellow Jacket From Ant Man TUTORIAL

Posted by: sarawhow1974.blogspot.com

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