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The Rotation of the Gear Is Controlled by the Horizontal Motion of End a of the Rack Ab UPDATED

The Rotation of the Gear Is Controlled by the Horizontal Motion of End a of the Rack Ab

Anatomy of the Centre

The heart is the muscular pump in the centre of the chest that beats continuously and rhythmically to transport claret to the lungs and the rest of the body. It is located on the diaphragm betwixt the lower borders of the lungs, occupying the eye of the mediastinum. Information technology is covered ventrally by the sternum and the adjoining parts from the third to the sixth costal cartilages. The organ is about 12 cm long, 8 cm wide at its broadest part, and 6 cm thick. The weight of the eye in men averages between 280 and 340 1000 and in women, between 230 and 280 one thousand. Much of the heart consists of myocardium, a special type of muscle. The center musculus is supplied with oxygen and nutrients by 2 coronary arteries.

The internal surface of the eye is lined with a smooth membrane, called endocardium, and the entire heart is enclosed in a tough, membranous pocketbook, the pericardium. A thick key muscular wall, the septum, divides the heart crenel into right and left halves. Each half consists of an upper bedchamber, called an atrium, and a larger lower bedroom, called a ventricle. The correct atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the entire body via 2 large veins chosen the venae cavae. This blood is transferred to the correct ventricle and pumped to the lungs via the pulmonary avenue to be oxygenated and to lose carbon dioxide. The left atrium of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the lungs (via the pulmonary veins); this blood is transferred to the left ventricle and so pumped to all tissues in the trunk.

The valves of the heart include the tricuspid valve, the bicuspid (mitral) valve, the semilunar aortic valve, and the semilunar pulmonary valve. The sinoatrial node in the right atrium of the heart initiates the cardiac impulse, causing the atria to contract. These one-mode valves at the exits from each bedchamber ensure that claret flows in merely 1 management. As resistance to blood flow through the full general circulation is much greater than resistance through the lungs, the left side of the heart must contract more than forcibly than the right one that�southward why it has greater muscular majority.

Do 7. Answer the questions:

one. What is the heart?

2. Where is information technology located?

3. What is the average weight of the heart in men and women?

4. What supplies the heart with oxygen and nutrients?

5. What is the eye enclosed in?

6. What does septum serve for?

7. What does each half of the centre consist of?

8. What are the valves of the eye?

9. What is the function of the right atrium?

10. What is the function of the left atrium?

xi. What exercise one-way valves at the exits from each chamber ensure?

12. Why does the left side of the centre take greater muscular majority?

Practise eight. Match the two columns:

1. to pump 2. to contract 3. to oxygenate 4. to deoxygenate five. to receive six. to transfer 7. to enclose eight. to separate into 9. to supply ten. to compose of a) to put together or make upwardly past combining b) to separate into parts c) to acquire or get something d) to environs on all sides; close in eastward) to enrich with oxygen f) to raise or crusade to flow by means of a pump g) to make available for employ; provide h) to reduce in size by cartoon together; compress i) to convey or remove something from one place to another j) to deprive of oxygen

Practise 9. Fill up in the gaps using the verbs from the previous exercise:

i. A thick central muscular wall, the septum, � the eye cavity into correct and left halves.

ii. Two coronary arteries � the heart muscle with oxygen and nutrients.

3. The pulmonary veins are large blood vessels that � oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of then heart.

4. Claret is � in the lungs.

v. The heart is � in the pericardium.

half dozen. The right atrium � deoxygenated blood from the entire body via 2 big veins called the venae cavae.

7. Both atria � simultaneously, followed speedily by the simultaneous contraction of the ventricles.

8. The wall of the heart � three layers: the epicardium, the myocardium, and the endocardium.

9. The center is a chambered muscular organ in vertebrates that � blood received from the veins into the arteries, thereby maintaining the flow of blood through the entire circulatory system.

10. This blood is transferred to the right ventricle and pumped to the lungs via the pulmonary artery to be �.

Practise 10. Friction match the terms with their definitions:

1. atrium two. endocardium iii. pericardium 4. myocardium 5. ventricle 6. septum 7. valve 8. venae cavae 9. mediastinum ten. heart a) the hollow muscular organ in vertebrates whose contractions propel the claret through the circulatory organization; b) a dividing partition betwixt ii tissues or cavities; c) whatever device that shuts off, starts, regulates, or controls the flow of a fluid; d) a cavity or sleeping accommodation in the torso, especially the upper chamber of each half of the heart; east) a sleeping accommodation of the centre, having thick muscular walls, that receives blood from the atrium and pumps it to the arteries; f) the part of the thoracic crenel that lies between the lungs, containing the heart and its vessels; g) the membranous sac enclosing the heart. It fixes the heart to the mediastinum and gives protection against infection; h) the membrane that lines the cavities of the heart and forms part of the valves and provides protection to the valves and heart chambers; i) the musculus tissue of the heart, which forms a thick middle layer between the outer epicardium layer and the inner endocardium layer; j) are large veins that return deoxygenated blood from the body into the heart (the superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava) and both empty into the correct atrium

Exercise eleven. Brand questions to the underlined words:

i. The heart beats continuously and rhythmically to transport blood to the lungs.

2. Much of the eye consists of myocardium.

3. The heart musculus is supplied with oxygen by 2 coronary arteries.

4. The correct atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the entire trunk.

5. The left atrium of the heart receives oxygenated claret from the lungs.

6. 1-mode valves ensure that blood flows in simply 1 direction.

vii. The left side of the heart must contract more forcibly than the right one.

8. Tricuspid valve lies betwixt the right atrium and the right ventricle.

nine. Descending aorta is the torso�s main artery, which supplies oxygenated blood.

x. The aorta has a big diameter in order to cope with the loftier force per unit area and big volume of blood passing through information technology.

Exercise 12. Find the corresponding equivalents in the text:

̒������ �����, ���������� � 2-� ���������� �� ���� ��������, ��������� ����������� ���, ������������� ����������� �� �������, ������ ���� ���������, �������� �� �������� �������� �����, ����� ������ ����, ������ �� ����� ������, ������������� � ������ �����, ��������������� �� �������, ����� ��� �������, ������� �����, ������ �� ������� ��������, �������� �������� �����, ������ �����, ��������� ��������, ���������� ����� ����, ���- �� ������������ ������.

Practice 13. Translate the words in brackets:

The human heart provides a (��������) blood circulation through the cardiac cycle and is ane of the most vital organs in the human body. Information technology (������) four (������): the two (������ ������) are chosen the left and right (����������) and ii (����� ������) are called the right and left (��������). Normally the correct ventricle (����) the same blood corporeality into the lungs with each bit that the left ventricle pumps out. Physicians commonly refer to the correct atrium and correct ventricle together as the right heart and to the left atrium and ventricle as the left heart.

The electric energy that stimulates the eye occurs in the (�������-������������) node, which produces a definite potential so (���������), sending an impulse beyond the atria. The Purkinje fibers transmit the electrical charge to the myocardium while the (������) of the atrial walls (���������) information technology from cell to prison cell, making the atrial syncytium. Syntytium is a mass of cytoplasm which contains many nuclei and is enclosed in a cell membrane.

Exercise 14. Open the brakets and translate the post-obit sentences:

1. The blood also (to carry) nutrients from the liver and gastrointestinal tract to various organs of the trunk.

2. Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) (to be) the most common cause of decease globally in 2008.

three. Diagnosis of CVD oftentimes (to do) by listening to the heart-sounds with a stethoscope, ECG or by ultrasound.

4. The valves of the centre (to notice) past a physician of the Hippocratean schoolhouse around the 4th century BC.

5. Diseases of the center primarily (to treat) by cardiologists.

6. In humans birds the heart (to split) into four chambers.

seven. The heart (to contract) at a rate of around 72 beats per minute, at rest.

8. On dissection, arteries (to be) typically empty of claret.

ix. The earliest descriptions of the coronary and pulmonary apportionment systems can (to notice) in Avicenna'south Canon, published in 1242.

ten. Heart murmurs (to be) common in young children and the elderly.

Do 15. Speak near THE HEART, ATRIUM, VENTRICLE according to the scheme:




general characteristics


Exercise 16. Interpret into Engish using Active Vocabulary:

1. ����� ������ � �� ����������� ��������-�'������ �����, �� ��������� ������������ ��������.

2. ���� ����� ������� ������ ��������� 250-350 �.

3. ����� ����������� � ����� ������ ������, � ������ ������� ���������� �����������, � ��������.

4. �������� ����� ����� ���������� � ����� ����: �������, ������� �� ���������.

five. ����� ������ � ��������������: �� ������ ������ ����������� ������ �� ���� ������������, �� �����- ������ �� ���� ����������.

6. ���������� ����������� � ��������� ��������� �� ��������� ������, � ����� ����������� ������.

7. � ��������� ���� ����� � ���������� �����������, ����� ���� ���� ��������� � ��������� ��������; ���� ���� ������������ ��������, ����������� ���� � ���� �� ������ ���� ���������.

8. ��� ����������� ��� ���� �� �������� � ������ ��������, �� ���� �� �������� ����������� ���������� � ��������� �������.

Practice 17. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to explain the term �heart�:

1. It is located on the diaphragm between the lower borders of the lungs, occupying the middle of the mediastinum.

2. The human heart provides the blood circulation through the cardiac bicycle and is one of the most vital organs in the human being trunk

three. The organ is almost 12 cm long, eight cm wide at its broadest part, and vi cm thick, and weights from 230 to 340 g.

4. The heart is the muscular pump in the heart of the breast that beats continuously and rhythmically to transport blood to the lungs and the rest of the body.

five. A thick fundamental muscular wall, the septum, divides the heart crenel into right and left halves; each one-half consists of an upper chamber, called an atrium, and a larger lower sleeping accommodation, called a ventricle.

�������� ��� ��������� ������ �������� (���)

I. ���������� ���������������: ������� ����� �������� �������a ����� ���������� � ���������� �� �������� ������ �� ���� ���� ��������� ������������� ����������� �� ������� ��������� ����������� ��� �������-������������ ����� ���������� ����� ���� ������� ���� ����� ������ ���� ����� ���� �� ������   II. ����� ������ �� �������: Where is the heart located? What does each one-half of the heart consist of? What do ane-way valves at the exits from each bedchamber ensure? What is the role of the atria? What is the function of the ventricles?   III. ��������� �������: ����� ���������� ��������

Practise 1. Topic vocabulary:

beat, n ['bi:t] �����
chamber, north [´t∫eimbə] ������
considerable, adj [kən´sidərəbl] �������
depend on, five [di´pend] �������� ��
discharge, 5 [dis´t∫a:dƷ] �������
estimate, v [´estimeit] ���������
exertion, n [ig´zə:∫(ə)n] ����������, �������
prolong, five [prə´lɔŋ] ������������
pump, n, five [pΛmp] �����, ����������
rate, n [reit] �������, ��������
moving ridge, n [weiv] �����

Exercise 2. Approximate the meaning of the post-obit words without using a dictionary:

Moment, pump, flow, artery, nervus, to regulate, emotion, cycle, person, stage, aorta, circulation, role, portion, systole, diastole

Exercise 3. a) Read the following discussion-combinations and translate them:

Exertion:physical exertion, mental exertion, considerable exertion, extreme exertion, on exertion.

Rate: heartbeat rate, pulse rate, decease charge per unit, birth charge per unit, respiration rate, recovery rate.

Considerable:considerable attention, considerable danger, considerable discomfort, considerable weight, considerable pressure, considerable try.

Total:total expanse, total immunity, total loss, total size, total duration, full increase.

b) Make up short sentences using the above given word combinations:

Exercise iv. Translate the following discussion combinations:

Total weight of blood, the rate of contractions, research work, a wave of wrinkle, on physical exertion, pulmonary arteries, to discharge out blood, final portion, systemic circulation, pulmonary circulation, to estimate the number of cells.

Exercise five. Translate into your native linguistic communication. Pay attention to the utilise of the Perfect Tense:

I have never been to Great Uk.

The scientist has already finished the experiment.

The doctor has not discharged the patient from the dispensary yet.

My sis�s health hasn�t inverse since she was discharged from the hospital.

Accept you ever performed any functioning?

The nurse has merely determined the patient�s blood group.

The doctor has performed a lot of operations lately.

The patient has lost 3 kilograms of weight this month.

Practice 6. Read and interpret the text:

Engagement: 2015-12-12; view: 766; ��������� ��������� ����


The Rotation of the Gear Is Controlled by the Horizontal Motion of End a of the Rack Ab UPDATED

Posted by: sarawhow1974.blogspot.com

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